10/12 Market Way, Coventry, CV1 1DT
The subject property occupies a prominent corner position on Market Way, directly adjacent to Poundland. Further retailers in close proximity include Boots and Superdrug. Flannels recently opened and Sports Direct will be opening Spring 2024.
To Let
Upon application
Lease Term
The premises are held by way of an effective FRI lease expiring 23/03/26 and available by way of assignment or sub-lease. Sq Ft Sq M
Lease Type
New Lease
Service Charge
11,072.00 sq ft (1,028.00 sq m)
Mark Crookes
d: 020 3058 0204
m: 07831 265 072
e: mcrookes@mcmullenre.com
Heather Bajade
d: 020 3058 0201
m: 07708 899 128
e: hbajade@mcmullenre.com